HUXLEY (Aldous).— BRAVE NEW WORLD REVISITED. 1960. Chatto & Windus. London. In-8.º de 163-I págs. E.
“When ‘Brave New World’ was published in 1931, many people thought its vision of the future grotesque or incredible. Today, we see some of its prophecies coming true – and coming true much sooner than the author thought they would. Mr. Huxley’s new book is concerned with two greatest dangers, apart from the hydrogen bomb, which now face mankind – over-population and over-organisation. Over-population, he believes, must inevitably lead to totalitariamism, and totalitariamism is bound to make a wrongful use of the various techniques for controlling men’s minds wich are already available. Mr. Huxley shows how somo of these techniques are employed today, not only in the dictatorships, but in the democracies: we have not yet como to brainwashing, here ot in the United States; but Big Business and political propagandists have gone a long way already towards the establishing of a ‘psychological slave trade’. Brain-washing. ‘chemical persuasion’, subliminal advertising, sleep teaching are some of the Brave-New-World techniques which today threaten the freedom of the individual, just as his standards are being menaced by ‘a vast communications industry, concerned in the main neither with the true nor the false, but with the unreal’. ‘Brave New World Revisited’, which is a challenge to complacency and false social ethics, pleads powerfully that mankind should educater itself in freedom before it is too late”.
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